To Liberate The Independent People on The Independent Land

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The way to manage environment in our country, Indonesia, have direct touch with fulfillment of food and energy needs, toward people’s welfare. Natural disasters, especially caused by human error are the peak of, and in the same time are linear with human’s disaster, those are minimum understanding, wrong perspective, low consideration, instant way of thinking, and the bad culture of corruption – collution and nepotism.

Linear with the environment damaging and degradation in Indonesia which worster and worster day after day, the weather and climate effect are become worster too. We once again, have the deep impact the dry season untill the rainy season come. Those give the domino affect to the food supply and production. The welfare of the farmers who are the Commander of national food supplier, are harmed too.

The natural environment degradation, mainly in the forests area which are the natural reservoir for the sustainable of creatures and human life, have effect to the rivers. The rivers with from the reserved forest are flow the water stabily along the year, but the forest degradation have caused the rivers become one of the most dangerous place especially for men. In Java alone, natural degradation more caused by the farming area expansion, and the expansion of the property and housing settlement. Those expasion in other side have done mostly without the good planning, uncontextual and unsustainable. The pollution of the men activities add the natural degradation become more harmful.

In the area outside of Java, also have the natural environment degradation. Those more caused by the over-exploitation of the natural resources, such as timbers, oil and gas and other mining material sources. Also the expansion to the forest and natural reservation area for new farming area. Those factors caused the disasters in some areas that never been happened before. The natural degradation caused by men also harm the population of the natural diversity treasure of Indonesia which are very unique and have no similar diversity in other palces in the world.

The damages also happen in the small islands and the seas of Indonesia. In the argumentation to increase the ofiicial government fund, so the sea sand in some sea areas was have exploited almost without control. The sea sand become used as the base material for the reclamation project both in Indonesia, and also in other country outside Indonesia. The impact was several islands of indonesia have disappeared from surface of the sea. The problem was there are no perspective and way of thinking that consider the natural diversity and reservation are the eternal treasure to make people wealthier. Natural diversity and its all treasure supply the fishes, clean water, and from the tourism activity sustainably.

Every projects which break the social rules, official law, and natural law, although have been legalized would bring into the comprehensive detriments. And would be fold up thousands times, continuously beyond our childrend and grand grand children in the future. So the instant benefits of the natural degradations we get today are meaningless compare with the miseries in the future.

The earth where we live on today truly is the God’s gift which is liveful and independent. the earth life I the representation of the systems, logic, and mecanism of the natural life wealthness. If the nature have no independence because activity interventions and over-exploitation by human being, truly, the human being also have not independent already. We, as the human being, must not inherit the damage of the earth, but queath the responsible hard work and positive way of thinking in order to manage the natural resources, protect the natural diversity wealthness, and the good space order.

So in this new millenium, when the information technology have been replace the indusrial era, and become the base of human life, we also demanded to make this new era as the nature preservation era. In this new era, human being with all their cleverness and diligence also hoped to more earth and nature friendly, with to use the natural resources in the save, prudent, and sustainable way.

Similar like the analogy of the building, the building foundation of the nation are the agriculture and energy sector. These sectors must have the biggest capacity to support the acivities of the people in every nations. Attentions, strategies, researches, developments, and rules are aimed to increase both the quantity and quality of the food and energy production. The progress of all effort to independent in the food and energy supply must be linear with the degree of natural condition and way of natural resources management of the country.

We will always have troubles in order to fulfill our basic needs and reach the progress as long as we cannot to produce food and energy by ourselves, and always depend on the out side sources. Also we must be slipped away to build our human resources’ quality, so become men of clever, diligent, honour, and character.

Truly, independent men with the qualities above will able to cooperation with others, also to love and care each other. And the independent men will be a good partner of the earth and nature to sustain the life.

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Bangsa yang tidak percaya kepada kekuatan dirinya sebagai sesuatu bangsa, tidak dapat berdiri sebagai suatu bangsa merdeka –Soekarno

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